LoopBack 4 Todo Application Tutorial - Add a Controller
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In LoopBack 4, controllers handle the request-response lifecycle for your API. Each function on a controller can be addressed individually to handle an incoming request (like a POST request to /todos), to perform business logic, and to return a response.

Controller is a class that implements operations defined by application’s API. It implements an application’s business logic and acts as a bridge between the HTTP/REST API and domain/database models.

In this respect, controllers are the regions in which most of your business logic will live!

For more information about Controllers, see Controllers.

Create your controller

So, let’s create a controller to handle our Todo routes. You can create an empty Controller using the CLI as follows:

lb4 controller
? Controller class name: todo
? What kind of controller would you like to generate? Empty Controller

In addition to creating the handler functions themselves, we’ll also be adding decorators that setup the routing as well as the expected parameters of incoming requests.

First, we need to define our basic controller class as well as plug in our repository, which we’ll use to perform our operations against the datasource.


import {repository} from '@loopback/repository';
import {TodoRepository} from '../repositories';

export class TodoController {
  constructor(@repository(TodoRepository) protected todoRepo: TodoRepository) {}

The @repository decorator will retrieve and inject an instance of the TodoRepository whenever an inbound request is being handled. The lifecycle of controller objects is per-request, which means that a new controller instance is created for each request. As a result, we want to inject our TodoRepository since the creation of these instances is more complex and expensive than making new controller instances.

NOTE: You can customize the lifecycle of all bindings in LoopBack 4! Controllers can easily be made to use singleton lifecycles to minimize startup costs. For more information, see the Dependency injection section of our docs.

Now that the repository is connected, let’s create our first controller function.


import {repository} from '@loopback/repository';
import {TodoRepository} from '../repositories';
import {Todo} from '../models';
import {HttpErrors, post, param, requestBody} from '@loopback/rest';

export class TodoController {
  constructor(@repository(TodoRepository) protected todoRepo: TodoRepository) {}

  async createTodo(@requestBody() todo: Todo) {
    if (!todo.title) {
      throw new HttpErrors.BadRequest('title is required');
    return await this.todoRepo.create(todo);

In this example, we’re using two new decorators to provide LoopBack with metadata about the route, verb and the format of the incoming request body:

  • @post('/todos') creates metadata for @loopback/rest so that it can redirect requests to this function when the path and verb match.
  • @requestBody() associates the OpenAPI schema for a Todo with the body of the request so that LoopBack can validate the format of an incoming request (Note: As of this writing, schematic validation is not yet functional).

We’ve also added our own validation logic to ensure that a user will receive an error if they fail to provide a title property with their POST request.

Lastly, we are using the functions provided by our TodoRepository instance to perform a create operation against the datasource.

You can use these and other decorators to create a REST API for a full set of verbs:


import {repository} from '@loopback/repository';
import {TodoRepository} from '../repositories';
import {Todo} from '../models';
import {
} from '@loopback/rest';

export class TodoController {
  constructor(@repository(TodoRepository) protected todoRepo: TodoRepository) {}

  async createTodo(@requestBody() todo: Todo) {
    if (!todo.title) {
      throw new HttpErrors.BadRequest('title is required');
    return await this.todoRepo.create(todo);

  async findTodoById(@param.path.number('id') id: number): Promise<Todo> {
    return await this.todoRepo.findById(id);

  async findTodos(): Promise<Todo[]> {
    return await this.todoRepo.find();

  async replaceTodo(
    @param.path.number('id') id: number,
    @requestBody() todo: Todo,
  ): Promise<boolean> {
    return await this.todoRepo.replaceById(id, todo);

  async updateTodo(
    @param.path.number('id') id: number,
    @requestBody() todo: Todo,
  ): Promise<boolean> {
    return await this.todoRepo.updateById(id, todo);

  async deleteTodo(@param.path.number('id') id: number): Promise<boolean> {
    return await this.todoRepo.deleteById(id);

Some additional things to note about this example:

  • Routes like @get('/todos/{id}') can be paired with the @param.path decorators to inject those values at request time into the handler function.
  • LoopBack’s @param decorator also contains a namespace full of other “subdecorators” like @param.path, @param.query, and @param.header that allow specification of metadata for those parts of a REST request.
  • LoopBack’s @param.path and @param.query also provide subdecorators for specifying the type of certain value primitives, such as @param.path.number('id').

Now that we’ve wired up the controller, our last step is to tie it all into the Application!

Previous step: Add a repository

Final step: Putting it all together