Page Contents

This is a basic guide for deploying a LoopBack 4 (LB4) app to IBM Cloud. In the setup explained below, your app will use a local instance of Cloundant when running locally, and a provisioned Cloudant service when running on the cloud.

NOTE: Production deployment to IBM Cloud is a much bigger topic with many possible options, refer to “IBM Cloud Continuous Delivery: Build, deploy, and manage apps with toolchains” for the details.

Before we begin make sure the following are installed:

  1. Cloud Foundy CLI
  2. Docker

Consider the “todo” example from the loopback-next repository as a basis for the instruction.

You can quickly clone the “todo” example app by running the command:

$ lb4 example todo

We will be replacing the default memory-based connector of the app with a Cloudant connector, so data is persisted.

Cloud setup


  1. Provision a Cloudant database service, and name it myCloudant.
  2. Log on to the Cloudant Dashboard and create a database named todo.

Connecting the database to app

Before we can use the provisioned database, we have to connect the database to an app on Cloud Foundry.

So, create a Node.js SDK app and connect it to the provisioned Cloudant service.

Make a note of the name of the app. Let’s say you named it mylb4app. We will be using this name as a placeholder for the unique name you will choose yourself eventually. Replace mylb4app with your app’s name in all instances in the doc.

Local setup


  1. Download Cloudant image.
  2. Ensure port 8080 is free and start Cloudant:
docker run \
      --volume cloudant:/srv \
      --name cloudant-developer \
      --publish 8080:80 \
      --hostname \
  1. Log on to the local Cloudant Dashboard using admin:pass as the crendentials.
  2. Create a database named todo.

Updates to the app

Updating datasource

Update db.datasource.json to use the Cloudant connector.

  "name": "db",
  "connector": "cloudant",
  "url": "http://admin:pass@localhost:8080",
  "database": "todo",
  "modelIndex": ""

Install the loopback-connector-cloudant package.

$ npm i loopback-connector-cloudant

Updating npm script

Remove the prestart script from package.json, since we don’t want to do any building on the cloud.

Updating application

We will use the cfenv module to simplify some of the Cloud Foundry related operations. Install cfenv in the project directory.

$ npm i cfenv

Update the src/index.ts file to the following to enable service binding.

import {TodoListApplication} from './application';
import {ApplicationConfig} from '@loopback/core';
const datasourceDb = require('./datasources/db.datasource.json');
const cfenv = require('cfenv');
const appEnv = cfenv.getAppEnv();

export async function main(options?: ApplicationConfig) {
  // Set the port assined for the app
  if (!options) options = {};
  if (! = {}; = appEnv.isLocal ? : appEnv.port;

  const app = new TodoListApplication(options);
  // If running on IBM Cloud, we get the Cloudant service details from VCAP_SERVICES
  if (!appEnv.isLocal) {
    // 'myCloudant' is the name of the provisioned Cloudant service
    const updatedDatasourceDb = Object.assign({}, datasourceDb, {
      url: appEnv.getServiceURL('myCloudant'),
  await app.boot();
  await app.start();

  const url = app.restServer.url;
  console.log(`Server is running at ${url}`);
  return app;

Running the app locally

  1. Install all dependencies:
$ npm i
  1. Build the app:
$ npm run build
  1. Ensure Cloudant is running locally.
  2. Start the app:
$ npm start
  1. Go to http://localhost:3000/swagger-ui to load API Explorer and add a todo or two.

  2. Go to http://localhost:3000/todos to see the todos.

Deploying the app

Authenticated to IBM Cloud using the cf login command before proceeding further.

We’ll need to create the following Cloud Foundry artifacts to deploy our app to IBM Cloud:

  1. .cfignore - not mandatory, prevents cf from uploading the listed files to IBM Cloud.
  2. manifest.yml - details about the app.

Create a file named .cfignore in the app directory with the following content.


To create the manifest.yml file, run cf create-app-manifest and specify the name of the app that was created earlier, viz.: mylb4app.

$ cf create-app-manifest mylb4app -p manifest.yml

Now we are ready to deploy the app to IBM Cloud.

  1. Build the app locally:
npm run build
  1. Push the app to Cloud Foundry:
cf push mylb4app
  1. Go to to load the API Explorer and add a todo or two. The host is derived from the name and domain values in the manifest.yml file.

  2. Go to to see the todos.