Page Contents

LoopBack 4 comes with the following example projects:

  • hello-world: Tutorial on setting up a simple hello-world application using LoopBack 4.

  • todo: Tutorial on building a simple application with LoopBack 4 key concepts using bottom-up approach.

  • todo-list: Tutorial on introducing related models and building their API from the Todo tutorial

  • log-extension: Tutorial on building a log extension.

  • rpc-server: An example showing how to implement a made-up RPC protocol.

  • soap-calculator: Tutorial on integrating SOAP web services.

You can download any of the example projects usig our CLI tool lb4:

$ lb4 example
? What example would you like to clone? (Use arrow keys)
> todo: Tutorial example on how to build an application with LoopBack 4.
  todo-list: Continuation of the todo example using relations in LoopBack 4.
  hello-world: A simple hello-world Application using LoopBack 4.
  log-extension: An example extension project for LoopBack 4.
  rpc-server: A basic RPC server using a made-up protocol.
  soap-calculator: An example on how to integrate SOAP web services.

Please follow the instructions in Install LoopBack4 CLI if you don’t have lb4 installed yet.